The end of summer glut of tomatoes is my favourite time of year as a gardener. I discovered this recipe a few years ago, and I delight in being able to make it from our own garden from mid-late summer. It’s easy, delicious, and perfect to share for breakfast, brunch or lunch.
Tomato Tarte Tatin
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
1 tablespoon sugar
½ teaspoon thyme leaves
20-24 small truss tomatoes or cherry tomatoes
1 sheet frozen butter puff pastry
100g buffalo mozzarella (optional – it’s just as good without)
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
Preheat the oven to 200°C. Put the vinegar, sugar and thyme in a non-stick frying pan and place over medium heat. Allow to simmer for a few minutes, stirring until the sugar dissolves, then add the whole tomatoes. Toss the tomatoes in the sweet syrup for a few minutes to ensure they are well coated, then removed from the heat and allow to cool completely in the pan.
Lightly grease the inside edge of a 20cm (8 inch) pie dish, then arrange the tomatoes over the base and drizzle with the cooking liquid.
Please the sheet of puff pastry over the tomatoes and tuck the edges of the pastry in a little around the tomatoes. Place the pie dish into the preheated over and bake for 20-25 minutes, or until the pastry is puffed up and golden brown. Place a large serving plate over the top of the pie dish and flip the tart and pan upside down. The tart should now be sitting on the plate with the tomatoes facing up. Tear the buffalo mozzarella into several pieces and scatter over the tart. Drizzle with a little extra virgin olive oil and serve with a green salad. Serves 6.
From Marie Claire – Comfort
© Michele Cranston