A Little Light 2.0 – We’re back!


The 8 months since the electrical fire that destroyed our workshop haven’t been easy; I won’t pretend otherwise.  The times when everything was out of our hands, and we were trapped in months and months of bureaucracy were some of the most frustrating periods.  I think the sense of helplessness was the hardest to bear.  Fortunately, throughout this time, so many people have showered us with messages of support, and asked repeatedly what they could do to help.  For a long time my answer was that there is nothing that even I can do at the moment, we just have to wait. But now…

The waiting is over!

At last, it’s time to begin again, and we’re going to be moving forward in leaps and bounds over the next few weeks! I’m about to announce our Back With Passion Re-Launch Sale, and I really need to ask for your help.

How you can help

The next few weeks will be the most important weeks for the future success of A Little Light.  Rather than growing as we did 15 years ago, a few candles at a time, we are now attempting to go from nothing back to full scale production in a matter of weeks.  Besides a solid operating plan and (to all those who know me well, please don’t laugh too hard!) some serious organisation, one of the most critical factors to make this happen smoothly will be cash flow.

I don’t believe in hand outs or getting something for nothing, but a good deal is one that benefits everyone.  So I’ve put together some great deals, and I hope that by offering you some fantastic gifts and incentives, that you can help me build my cash flow and re-launch A Little Light with great energy and momentum.

Back With Passion Re-Launch Sale

Starting today, and running throughout October, we are offering heaps of fantastic gifts, incentives, rewards and bonuses across our entire range! Every candle and handmade gift that you buy during this period will be an incredible help to the successful re-launch of A Little Light.  Every Christmas present that you tick off the list, every friend that you tell, every little show of support, will create huge ripples to help us land on our feet again.

While you are enjoying some online retail therapy, we will be working madly behind the scenes to fill every order and restock all our lovely new storage shelves.  We will send out all orders (including your bonuses) at the start of November.

Tell me more!

We have a range of free gifts & rewards on offer:



  • Spend $75 or more…..receive a free Mini Egg Candle or Est Goats Milk Soap ($10 bonus!)
  • Spend $120 or more…..receive a free jar of Naturopathic Bath Salts ($15 bonus!)



  • Spend $180 or more….receive a free set of 3 x Mini Egg Candles ($30 bonus!)
  • Spend $250 or more…..receive a free set of 3 x Lg Pinecone Candles PLUS a Scandinavian Wooden Christmas decoration ($55 bonus!)



  • Spend $400 or more…..receive a surprise box of candles for your next birthday (valued at $100!)
  • Spend $700 or more….receive 10% off everything across our range for the next 14 months. 
    This fantastic discount runs from 1st November 2016 until 31st December 2017, and you can shop as many times as you like during this period – you will save 10% every time! (That takes care of loads of birthday presents plus Christmas Shopping 2016 and 2017!)


Start shopping now!

Just follow these links to start exploring our beautiful range of handmade candles and gifts.

Thank you again for all your support.  We can’t wait to be back in business and doing what we love again.

Jo @ A Little Light xx